No. 72 Park Villa

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No. 72 Park Villa (now no. 78) is the oldest house remaining in Lewisham Park. Possibly built in the 1850's or earlier.

Currently it houses Lewisham Children & Young Peoples Centre.

For a number of years Park Villa was associated with Lewisham Park School which was next door at number 71, now flats 72-77.

The 1861 census shows Maria Louise Smith, a school mistress, living with her brother Stephen and his wife Sarah plus three servants in Lewisham Park, possibly at number 1 Lewisham Park.

Maria made an application in 1863 to build a house next to Park Villa. The school moved to the new building known as Park House (71). A map of 1875 shows No. 1 Lewisham Park having a playground in the back garden. Could that have been the original site of the School?

A 1866 directory shows Sarah Smith, Maria Smith's sister-in-law living at Park Villa, by 1881 the Smith's had moved away and its connection with Lewisham Park School appeared to end.

In 1898 Edward Gill of 23 Lewisham Park had an extension built at the rear of Park Villa. The following year Edward Gill moved to the house with his family until 1915.

During the mid 1920's the house became a 'British Dental Hospital' for many years.

The council purchased the freehold in 1960 as part of its plans to provide housing which resulted in the 3 tower blocks and Chiddingstone House. As the lease for Park Villa was till 1997 the council decided in 1962 the house would be "dealt with when the time arrives".

Currently the house is used by Lewisham Hospital as a children's and young peoples centre, this is due to move to a new medical centre being built at Rushey Green.


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Modified  27/12/16